Fallout 4 main quests points of no return and how far you can go i ve tried to document the quests that turn factions against one another.
Fallout 4 not siding with any faction.
There are certain story points which seem to indicate you d need to be sided for this person or another to science their way into the institute or whatever else npcs need to do to further the story.
The following are minor factions that can either be neutral friendly or hostile towards the player character and each other.
At some point in the main story progression you will have to choose alliance to 1 at the expense of the others.
The fallout series has long established itself as one of gaming s powerhouse franchises and alongside the elder scrolls sits proudly as one of bethesda s greatest accomplishments.
Your alliance to one of the 4 major factions will determine a significant portion of the story and quests you have access to.
This is for the end game.
Factions are npc associations in fallout 4 this is a list of the factions in the game.
Is it possible to defeat fallout 4 without ever having sided with anyone.
During the course of the game there will be an option to side with one or more of them or to act independently.
Mass fusion is a major turning point in faction relations between institute and brotherhood.
The following are the four major factions that the sole survivor can become part of in fallout 4.
But for all i know you can do it without siding.